Wednesday, December 5, 2007


Finally the end of the Road

This has been quite a journey for me as I really thought I would not like doing this.....however it has proved itself and I did enjoy most of the tasks. I discovered so many new things and new words that were quite foreign to me before. I will probably go back and revist some of the sites (that is if I can remeber all the passwords)!!!

I found the 9 weeks to do 23 of the 2.0 was sufficient. Everyone at work agreed that each task took quite a bit of time and as we work at a busy site found it was difficult to do any of the tasks at work, so all of my 2.0 Learning had to be done from home which did take up a lot of my personal time and the use of my computer. However overall I am glad that I did it. Thanks

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good on ya mate, well done for taking time out to find out about all this new technology - this is a great piece of work...and there will be more to come (but perhaps not on such a large scale)